2018年5月25日 星期五

138家長 台大教授Jeffrey Ward 給到府保母-阿娟的推薦文(到府托育.育兒教學)

To whom it may concern, 
I am delighted to recommend Ms. Chuan (阿娟) as a child caregiver. She worked for several months with our daughter, and gave us a great deal of practical and useful advice about raising our daughter. There was a period of several months when our daughter was very young (1~4 months) when Ms. Chuan seemed to be the only person that could get our daughter to quiet down and go to sleep. She gave us good advice about sleeping arrangements, feeding, scheduling and toys and equipment to purchase. As new parents, my wife and I were quite apprehensive and very unknowledgeable about being parents. Many times my wife called Ms. Chuan in desperation when our daughter was crying uncontrollably or we were having some other problem. She always seemed to have a good solution.
When working with our daughter, she was always very attentive and responsible and always careful to avoid any dangerous conditions. She even pointed out several safety hazards in our home that I had not considered. She also prepared baby food that our daughter seemed to like very much. She remains a good friend of our family and continues to exchange gifts including home-made baby food with my wife. In summary, Ms. Chuan is an outstanding child caregiver and I give her my strongest recommendation. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Yours sincerely,
Jeffrey Ward, Ph.D.
jeffward@ntu.edu.tw Professor Department of Chemical Engineering National Taiwan University No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road Taipei, Taiwan 10617 Tel.: +886-2-3366-3037 Fax: +886-2-2369-1314

