2018年5月30日 星期三

139家長 北投致遠happybear 給到府保母-阿娟的推薦文(剃頭,剃髮,理胎毛)


今天剛離開月子中心,心中就有滿滿的焦慮,因為自己即將要進入人人口中的地獄生活,展開育嬰假一打二的日子,一個新生兒,加上一個trouble two年紀的幼兒,心中滿是問題。於是在網路上查詢到阿娟保母理髮及育兒知識分享的內容後,決定速速約來請益,果然是名不虛傳。為了有效率而沒有遺漏的滿足我這個焦慮的媽媽,在月子中心就想好了很多問題,在這個時間詢問,果然阿娟保母經驗相當豐富,面對我如連珠炮般的問題,很直接地就給我很核心的回應,貫穿了我一堆關於一打二的焦慮,還替我省下不少錢,不用去買那些多餘而不太有用的育兒用具,真是很實際的育兒經。在理髮的過程中,短短的七分鐘,阿娟保母就能夠抓到孩子的個性,和她的基本狀態,也讓我相當佩服,結束後我也立刻來試試保母所用的安撫技巧,雖然做得不太理想,寶寶在旁邊一直吐豆花奶,但總算有個方向,如何應用自己基本的身體姿勢來安撫寶寶,而不要受傷。阿娟保母所說的每句話,都很重點,一句話就看穿了我的焦慮,所以當她告訴我,若我對寶寶的哭聲反應太大,可能就會淪落到被孩子操控的下場…在我心中有很大的警惕。雖然自己已經是雙寶媽了,但覺得許多熟悉的東西又有點遙遠,加上還有一個會來亂的大寶,心思已經亂成一團,只覺得請育嬰假是個想不開的減肥戰鬥營,但經過阿娟保母的提點後,發現那個滿溢焦慮,被不安圍繞的我,頓時心理安頓許多,覺得似乎未來又是一個挑戰和嘗試,有一個明確可執行的方向,可以暫時把恐懼放在一邊,而「正視」眼前孩子的行為,並以「正確」的方式來回應孩子的需求。我想,這顆被安頓好的心,就是今晚最大的收穫吧!感恩阿娟保母今晚的分享及示範,希望我可以好好的執行,這些育兒知識。


2018年5月25日 星期五

138家長 台大教授Jeffrey Ward 給到府保母-阿娟的推薦文(到府托育.育兒教學)

To whom it may concern, 
I am delighted to recommend Ms. Chuan (阿娟) as a child caregiver. She worked for several months with our daughter, and gave us a great deal of practical and useful advice about raising our daughter. There was a period of several months when our daughter was very young (1~4 months) when Ms. Chuan seemed to be the only person that could get our daughter to quiet down and go to sleep. She gave us good advice about sleeping arrangements, feeding, scheduling and toys and equipment to purchase. As new parents, my wife and I were quite apprehensive and very unknowledgeable about being parents. Many times my wife called Ms. Chuan in desperation when our daughter was crying uncontrollably or we were having some other problem. She always seemed to have a good solution.
When working with our daughter, she was always very attentive and responsible and always careful to avoid any dangerous conditions. She even pointed out several safety hazards in our home that I had not considered. She also prepared baby food that our daughter seemed to like very much. She remains a good friend of our family and continues to exchange gifts including home-made baby food with my wife. In summary, Ms. Chuan is an outstanding child caregiver and I give her my strongest recommendation. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Yours sincerely,
Jeffrey Ward, Ph.D.
jeffward@ntu.edu.tw Professor Department of Chemical Engineering National Taiwan University No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road Taipei, Taiwan 10617 Tel.: +886-2-3366-3037 Fax: +886-2-2369-1314